Thursday, July 31, 2014

Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin

I was thinking this morning, of how we, as Christians, are so quick to speak against someone else on their sin, yet overlook our own...if we don't agree with someone's choices or lifestyle, we label them, criticize them behind their back and stay away from them...which is contrary to God's word...we are to HATE THE SIN...but LOVE THE SINNER...I'm personally guilty of some of the things I look down on others for...yes... i don't magically wake up one morning and say I'm gonna get saved and baptized and all of a sudden you know everything that is good and right and true and do everything perfectly...nope...believe me... I once made a comment of "how it's easy to be a Christian"....WRONGGGGGG!!!! Being a Christian is a daily, moment by moment effort to learn and grow to be more Christ-like...i can't imagine we will ever attain that level of His goodness, but I must press on. I may not agree with or like your choices in life, but SO WHAT...who am I???? Satan made me doubt my salvation for so many many years which led me to being "dunked" more times than i can count; but i believed that a Christian was supposed to be perfect...and I wasn't, so i must not really be saved...again...WRONGGGGGGG!!!! I hope that in my posting this, if you are holding things against someone or avoiding them b/c you don't like their choices, that you realize, this speaks volumes about your Christian walk...accepting others for who they are and showing them what and who you are in more of a witness than you can ever you treat someone for their choices, may just pull them farther away from what our purpose in Christ Jesus IS!

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